The ECF members meet regularly at committee meetings, Executive Committee meetings, as well as during Council meetings. These meetings give members the opportunity to discuss and agree on actions to be taken regarding the priority topics, always in compliance with the Antitrust laws and with the principle of subsidiarity.

The European Coffee Federation has a number of committees and working groups to discuss specific topics. It is involved in a wide range of issues, ranging from transport and logistics to regulatory matters and from standard coffee contracts to sustainable production and consumption.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day activities of the Federation. It implements the decisions and policies of the Council, identifies issues of relevance to the Members and makes recommendations on policy matters. The Executive Committee is composed of the President, Vice-Presidents and other members, with in total a minimum of six and a maximum of fifteen members. Elections for the ECF Executive Committee take place every two years, and members may be re-appointed.

Neil Stephens
Mario Cerutti
Vice-President, Roaster
Massimiliano Fabian
Vice-President, Decaffeinator
Holger Preibisch
Vice-President, National Association
Deutscher Kaffeeverband
Jörn Severloh
Vice-President, Trader
Neumann Kaffee Gruppe
Enrico Antonj
Alessandro Bucci
Rocío Hervella
Asociación Española del Café
Ingo Lantz
Kaisa Lipponen
Paul Rooke
British Coffee Association
Laurent Sagarra
Jacobs Douwe Egberts
Virginie Somon
Syndicat Français du Café
Krisztina Szalai
Swiss Coffee Trade Association

The ECF Council consists of all Members of the Association (national associations and companies). The Council approves the annual accounts, adopts the work programme of the Association and defines the internal rules of procedure. Together, members hold one thousand votes. Votes are divided among the Members in proportion to their contribution.
